Jirayr Sefilyan, Justice, Eggs, etc.

Following the decision by the First Instance Court of Kentron and Norq communities to prolong the term of Zhirayr Sefilyan /Commander of Shushi special regiment/ and Vardan Malkhasyan / member of the Fatherland and Honour Party/ for two more months, their friends and supporters who had organized a rally, threw eggs at the court building with shouts, “Freedom”, “Shame on you!” etc. As a result, Bekaisa reports, more then 10 participants of the action were detained by the police for more then 3 hours. The blogger also states, that the action was largely ignored by the news media and the only response came from A1+ here.
Kornelij Glas also comments on the incident, noting, that the failure of the government to come up with a reasonable lie to serve as justification for detaining Zhirayr Sefilyan and Vardan Malkhasyan is simply appalling. However, the blogger doesn’t approve throwing eggs at the Court building: “Why the hell with eggs? Are you guys are planning to escalate the situation, receive the honorary title of dissidents? It’s just not the right way for doing it. Not aesthetic!”

Artur Papyan

Journalist, blogger, digital security and media consultant


  1. till 3 o’clock AM…:(

  2. the police were horrible, the Court – I don’t even want to get started on adjectives… however, I don’t think the eggs were the best option in that situation, what do you think?

  3. Eggs are the minimum. You can probable count only few court cases when justice was delivered. No need to defend such an establishment. It is the most corrupt institution which should go down first with the former KGB.
    The country is turning into a police state. everywhere you go there are people in uniform. And from June all the mobile phones will be register that the big brother can eavsdrop and fill in “KaGe Be-i padvalener@”.

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