Kornelij's Top Ten of Armenian Blogs

Last week I asked Kornelij Glas, as one of the most experienced Armenian Bloggers, to write his list of Top Ten Armenian blogs, with the intention of including the list and an interview with him in the Radio program about blogging that we are producing at Internews. And although making Top Tens turned out to be a risky and dangerous business, Kornelij Glas produced a Top, which is presented below:

  1. 517design
  2. ahousekeeper
  3. Armenia Election Monitor 2008
  4. Athanatoi
  5. Вирабофф
  6. Ditord
  7. Марк Григорян
  8. Tevyants
  9. Us and Them in Post-Modernity
  10. ՈՒզողի բլոգը

You would ask, why did it turn out to be a risky business? Well – because, Kornelij is a much more popular blogger then myself, so when I was making lists, nobody really cared, but once he did it, everybody started arguing, how come Kornelij hasn’t included them in the list. So in response to all arguments, Kornelij Glas published another entry – his list of “Double Skulls”, which instantly made into the Yandex Top of most discussed blog entries. So its not that bad, after all, I guess. Kornelij – sorry! I didn’t mean to get you into so much trouble!

Artur Papyan

Journalist, blogger, digital security and media consultant


  1. […] Kornelij, to compile a list of his top ten Armenian blogs. As The Armenian Observer, Papyan posts the albeit subjective assessment of blogs in Armenian, Russian and English on one of his own. Share […]

  2. I never heard of this guy until reading this post. Perhaps it’s because he writes in Russian and I can’t comprehend it, don’t know. Anyway, whatever.

  3. wow! all of them in Russian…

  4. nope – there’s at least two in English: ditord and Armenian election monitor 2008

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