Uzogh's Top Ten List of Armenian Blogs

Per my request, respectable Mr. Uzogh has drafted his favourite list of Armenian blogs – and I’ve been delighted to find at least two blogs in the list, which I hadn’t been paying much attention to earlier – while I defiantly should – so I can’t thank Uzogh enough. And here, ladies and gentlemen, is the list – not quite ten, but definitely top 🙂

  1. [info]517design
  2. [info]ahousekeeper
  3. [info]arzuni
  4. [info]comte_de_varand
  5. [info]david_sand
  6. [info]irukan
  7. [info]kornelij
  8. [info]markgrigorian
  9. [info]orientalian
  10. [info]viraboff
  11. Ditord (this is like – me :))
  12. Onnik Krikoryan living here and here.
Artur Papyan

Journalist, blogger, digital security and media consultant


  1. And just one additional note – blogs are listed alphabetically, not in order of preference.

  2. Why do so many Armenian bloggers use LiveJournal instead of other more flexible platforms?

  3. Because it’s a community.

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