The Orange HR Mail story

I received a strange email message from the HR Team of Orange Armenia yesterday, which claimed, that I have applied to Orange Armenia for a job and they have put my CV in their database. I responded by saying, that I’ve never applied to Orange Armenia for a job and demanded them to delete the corresponding record in their database,  because otherwise I would consider it a violation of my privacy. UPDATED

Got a very nice response today, revealing, that there was no CV and no database involved, and that the Orange HR spam actually affected a lot of other people:

“First of all sorry for inconvenience regarding “application thank you” mail received by you from Orange Armenia.
The purpose of HR mail is to receive CVs from candidates interested to work in Orange Armenia and system automatically replies to all mails. Your mail address is in contacts(a) contacts group from which we received mail and system react accordingly.
So kindly disregard the mail received.
Once again sorry for inconvenience wish you every success and happy holidays.”

Looks like we have to blame Eurasia Partnership Foundation ( for the mistake.

Artur Papyan

Journalist, blogger, digital security and media consultant


  1. We have received it too… to our corporate addresses 😀 that was fun, and so were the “replies to all” we were receiving. #orangefail

  2. btw, is in any way affiliated with ?

  3. Hey has nothing to do with Orange Mobile. Operator’s website is (: Just check whois to see:
    Registrar – ABCDOMAIN
    HALABYAN 31 AP 14
    YEREVAN 375031
    Administrative contact
    Hayrapetyan Srbuhi
    HALABYAN 31 AP 14
    YEREVAN 375031
    Phone: +37491495550
    E-mail: [email protected]

  4. UPDATE: Sorry guys, my mistake. This section of my post has been removed:

    Meanwhile, I have to say Orange remains the most disorganized telecom operator in Armenia. Their website is still a mess: most sections of it are either incomplete, or not working.
    I’ve been checking their website from time to time, and they seem to be in constant redesign process for 1,5 months already, constantly changing the design and CMS but never adding content. Common, Orange, it shouldn’t be that hard to do for a company of such major scale and financial resources!

  5. I must admit, however, that the reason for my negative attitude is due to the fact, that so far I have a very bad experience with Orange. I remember the following issues:
    1. I’ve tried to visit their distribution center/shop on Erebuni street at 9 – 9:30 a.m. in the morning twice, when the offices of Beeline and Vivacell were wide open, and everytime found out, that they’re closed.
    2. I remember the queues and lies in the initial days, when their Internet Hima package was delayed badly.
    3. I remember for sure, that on the day of launch their website was a mess.

  6. The events described in the story are a very sloppy way of searching for talent.

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