
…the truth is more important than love and hate, friendship and hostility, black and white… Armenians continuously reject this simple truth, and it has already brought about critical consequences for the country.

From A Citizen’s Diary

What and how will be covered here?
I will try to cover here everything Armenian! News, research, comments, photos, videos, analyses. I am quite busy at work, but I will do my best effort to update the blog every day – usually in early mornings or late evenings, because that’s when I have some spare time.
So make sure to check back soon, or better yet – subscribe to my RSS feeds,
Please also take time to look at my Code of Ethics and the official Disclaimer.
Please note, that this blog is and has always been a volunteer effort. I try to keep it as up to date as possible, however, I work full time on a tight schedule, so posts may be delayed or I won’t have time to cover this or that important topic. If there’s something you definitely want published here, please let me know about it, or better yet, submit a guest post, I’ll be happy to published if it complies with my ethics code.
Observer (aka Artur Papyan)

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