Armenia to give growth in economy priority over rights

Kornelij Glas and Hyelog have both republished articles about Armenia’s newly appointed prime-minister Serge Sargsyan’s recent interview where the former Defense Minister has prioritized economic growth over human rights issues in the country:

“It is hard to talk about democratic and human rights when you need to solve the social and economic needs of the population,” the prime minister said during a trip to Brussels. “We would not like to be a state stuck in our transition.”

Artur Papyan

Journalist, blogger, digital security and media consultant


  1. Doesn’t Sargisyan understand that economic prosperity and social development go hand in hand. By his statment you would think the new ROA Prime Minister would like to attain economic growth through the alienation and exploitation of the working class.

  2. I am starting to think, that Sargsyan is given a rather subverted view of the reality. I think he really believes that he is popular, etc., while literally everyone, including from the Republican party have allergies at the sheer site of him.
    In that respect I’m not surprised at anything he says – the guy is simply dangerous!

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