Parties on The Web Before Elections

Kornelij Glas has reposted his article originally published at the E-channel:

Before the oncoming elections, political powers in Armenia make use of all possibilities to gain the votes of the population. In this sense, the daily changes on the Internet may turn it into a serious tool in the hands of the parties. This holds true especially for oppositional forces, which complain of informational blockade in traditional press.
It can be stated that most parties have not yet perceived the Internet as a campaign means. Thus, out of 25 parties and blocks participating in the elections only 12 have websites (by the way, the “pro-governmental” websites are among the best ones). Most of what is on the site is either not updated at all, or does not address the topical issues that can be solved through the Internet.


Artur Papyan

Journalist, blogger, digital security and media consultant