Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoghlu has proposed to start parliamentary discussions on the “peace road” project which would connect the Caucasus to Europe, spanning vast 7 thousand kilometers, passing through 12 countries, connecting 24 cities including Baku, Yerevan and Istanbul, Turkish Sabah newspaper reports.
From what little I was able to make of the Google Translator’s English version of the text, it looks like the project has been agreed on by the Black See Economic Cooperation (BSEC) countries back in 2007, and the project called “Black See Ring Road” is waiting for the approval by the parliaments of member countries. Here’s a quote (don’t even hope for it to be an accurate translation):
The “Black See Ring Road” will pass through 12 countries and 24 cities connecting the Caucasus to the Balkans. Each country will meet the cost of construction within its own borders. EU funds could also be used for road construction. According to the agreement the road would link the countries and cities as follows: "Komotini, Alexandroupoli (Greece), Edirne, Istanbul, Samsun, Trabzon (Turkey), Batumi, Poti (Georgia), Yerevan (Armenia), Baku (Azerbaijan), Novorosisk , Rostov-on-Don, Taganrok (Russia), Mariupol, Melitopol, Odessa (Ukraine), Chisinau (Moldova), Bucharest, Constanta (Romania), Haskovo, Sofia (Bulgaria), Nis, Belgrade (Serbia), Tirana (Albania ).
The project looks too unrealistic to be true, especially the funding part. I’m also somewhat worried by the fact, that none of us has heard anything about such a magnificent agreement signed by our country back in 2007.
On the other hand, even if it’s another test of public opinion, as we have seen the Turkish media do from time to time, I’m here to give my very own subjective, non-public opinion – this is a great idea. I like the Baku-Yerevan connection part, and promise to drive on it from end-to-end as soon as the road is completed! Hey, I can even promise to buckle up the whole way and only listen to Armenian Rabiz music throughout the trip!
That is indeed a great idea. That and open borders would be a perfect 3-2 month road trip through some very interesting nations.
Something tells me – this will stay on paper forever.
There are too many divergent interests among the powers that be.
Sometimes it surprises me when things actually happen given the atmosphere where everyone is pulling the cart to themselves (to paraphrase a Krilov story).
On a second thought… honestly I think this is a great idea. Let’s just dream!