Sasuntsi Anarchist from the ALS Movement claims to have discovered why “Gagik Tsarukian’s Prosperous Armenia Party does not appear among the registered parties list”, and the reason that they “have been refused registration as a political party because they still don’t have a manifesto“!
Moreover, the ALS Movement have added a mock Banana Republic seciton to their blog the sole purpose of which is “to ridicule Bargavatch Hayastan and this whole political unseriousness in Armenia.”
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Onnik Grigoryan has checked the facts and has posted the following reply at the ALS Movement comment section:
Onnik Krikorian Says:
February 18th, 2007 at 7:07 pm
Well, I spoke to a number of people today and they seem to think that Prosperous Armenia are now registered as a party. One analyst shrugged his shoulders and said it wouldn’t make any difference while others said as far as they know this was a problem from a few weeks or even months ago. When were the articles you saw published?
Anyway, will try to check with Ministry of Justice this week.