CRD / TI Election Monitor 2007 blog had another post of the 2007 Parliamanetary Election Monitor roundups which were traditionally done on the Oneworld Multimedia blog. The monitor lookes at important media reports and posts in the Armenian blogosphere, related to the 2007 Parliamentary elecitons. This time round the Monitor looks at the Internet media and what it has to offer to the voters as a means of information about the upcoming elections.
If the 2003 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections were defined by the role of the broadcast media, it looks as though the Internet will play a crucial role in covering and disseminating news, views and opinions on this year’s Parliamentary Election.
The Monitor then looks at the new features introduced by: A1plus, ArmeniaNow, articles by the RFE/RL as well as the efforts of the Blogosphere: Anoush Rima, Armenian Blog Review, Blogrel.
Visit the CRD / TI Election Monitor 2007 for more.