Since Armenian government did not declare State of Mourning for people who died as a result of 1st March bloodshed in Yerevan, a group of Internet activists suggested declaring 7, 8 and 9 March a STATE of MOURNING in the Internet. The Ditord blogs team joins them.
We, who mourn the deaths of our brothers and sons during the bloodshed in Yerevan on March 1, declare a STATE OF MOURNING in the Internet. Everybody who is for JUSTICE and LIBERTY, please join us!!!!!!!!
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I am joining you. So what are we going to do during these days?
Days of mourning indeed for the victims of Levon Ter Petrosyan’s terrorism against the state.
When tomorrow the Constitutional Court refuses LTP’s case and Serge Sargsyan is officially declared president, from then on Levon can be arrested (he still has immunity as a candidate).
He should be arrested soon after that, and let’s see if ANY of his supporters will even have the guts to even speak up. They will simply spill their anger in the Internet. That’s the most they can do. the hayks,ahrebels and other mediocrities of this world.
Meanwhile Aramik, Nikolik Khachik and Sasunik are still hiding like mice.
Baykar baykar minchev verch? Hahahahaha
My sincere condolence to the families of our eight fellow Armenians. May they rest in peace.
When your beloved SS and RK go to Gaaga tribunal will see you in the internet still alive! hey you Hayrenaser…
Ann, first of all learn how to spell Haaga (not Gaaga) you stupid LTP bitch.
Second of all I support my president-elect and the person I voted for. You have no right to decide for me.
Third of all two very important events will happen today. First the OSCE published their THIRD report reaffirming yet again that the elections were held in accordance to OSCE and European Union standards.
Fourth: Today the Constitutional Court will hopefully reject Levon’s case that Presidential election was rigged in any way.
If this happens Levon will not have canditate’s immunity anymore, and he can be put in jail where he belongs. The noose is tightening.The “Young Turks” amongst us who committed terrorism against the state will be punished. And normality will return to Armenia.
Hairenaser es qo bozi txa inchn em asel. Inchi vra es uraxanum ai anasun, vor saxin vaxacnen u voch mek dzen chhani. Et a qo sirac haireniq@. Es hima haiastanum chem baic mi qani amsic galu em. Ete etqan qaj txa es es blogi michocov kpaimanavorvenq vor handipenq. Chmoranas mamit el hetd beres, verchum ira het el gorc unem. Ara baic mard inchqan stor kara lini vor nman iravichakum charaxnda. Asum es mardik taqnvel en, ba ai anasun et inch mi herosutiun a gal handznvel mardaspan miliceqin u gnal kamerum nstel. Lav en anum vor durn en mnum, mi qani oric piti kazmakerpen joxovrdin u sranc maman lacacnen. Iranc vaxkot es asum, vaxkot mard@ qo nman u miusneri nman kmtner robik vor@ u kskser ltp-i masin ster pchel@. Isk du siktird qashi qo naxagahneri haireniq azerbajan u aintex hairenaser ashxati anasun. Ete qo nman hairenaserner@ aintex shatanan, mer erkri vichak@ ahagin klavana.
Ara hairenaser, et erku eventneric mekn arden erek exel a: OSCE report@. Baci karda, 12 ej manramasn grac a te vonc eq election kexcel.
Ete mius event el qo prognozin hakarak eli chisht lini Haaga-i kam Gaaga-i (dranic hech ban chi poxvi) datarani arachin nist@ shat aveli shut klini.
Tiko es inch hasarak Levonchka-i bozeric es.
Nax es oozoom em qez shnorhavorem kananc orva artiv. qez lav el ksazi vorovhetev du tghamard ches. Ays mek.
Erkus: Hstakoren grvads e ko dacument-oom vor ZEKUYTS-I MIAYN ANGLEREN TARPERAK-N E vor handisanoom e pashtonakan pasdatught. yev hon “it reaffirms that the elections were held in accordance with OSCE / EU standards”. Hima ayo mi qich el takank-neri terrorism-io masin xosker kan, bayts vochinch, kmoranas Tikranik jan.
Aysor ANHAMBEROOTYAMP EM SBASOOM sahmanadrakan datarani voroshoom-e. Yete aysor et katarvi tser Messiah-n k haytnvee bantoom. Isk muys mknik-nere inchbes Nikolcha, Khacho,Sasoon (lsseci pekh-e saprel a ,chen gtnoom nran) yev amenakarevor-e Aramik Sargsyan piti patjven.
Bayts amena amena shat kuraxatsnee karkaroon mtavorakan, nororia Hitler Levon-i bantoom haytnvele. Ayd oorax or-e mot e, shat mot. Mi qich aveli hamberootyoon Tiko jan.
Ha mi urish ban: Tiko amot chi esor mi 10-20 kanayk ein ichel Yerevanum havak-i. Ba vordegh ek dook tghamartik-t? Amot chi?hahaha
Normality? That means Serzh and the thugs will resume their corrupt rule, and the good people of Armenia will have to continue every effort to get out of this failed nation, leaving behind only the foolish and inable. Serzh’s regime is blackmarked by incompetence and bloodshed already. Normal, indeed. Normal only if you’re a thug with connection to Serzh, perhaps.
Hairenaser, es qez mi harc tam patasxani. Asenq te du karcum es vor et amboxch joxovurd@ davachan a (es chem asum Levoni hetevic gnacox joxovurd@ ail henc amboxch joxovurd@ Levonn el hetner@) u petq a bantarkvi. Qo karciqov, Serjik@, Robon u mnacacner@ inchi an arjani? Isk nranq hancanq gorcel en te iranc petq a medal tal?
Ha, indz andzamb mi qani amsic handipeluc vexecar te eli miliceqi hetevic es xosalu ai musor.
Et mardkanc brnelov el mi hrchvi u uraxaci. Es karcum em vor iranc mech ev arjanavor ev anarjan mardik kan. Baic qez asem vor indz voch te hetaqrqir a te Levon@ knsti, Jirair@ knsti, te ov knsti (chnaiac hamarum em vor iranc nstacnel@ bozi txutiun a) ail indz hima miajn u miajn hetaqrqrum a im azgi azatutiun@ es mardaspanneric. Tox haiastan@ azatvi isk mnacac@ inchqan el karevor lini mek a amenakarevor@ chi.
Ara baic inchqan stor mard ka es mer xexch u krak hai azgi mech!
Inchqan kareli a sut xosal u sti vra hrchvel, inchqan kareli a mard spanel u spanvacin dzer arnel. Inchqan himar mard ka vor dra vra el uraxanum a. Mi qani xekavar kochvoxnern u iranc shrjapat@ shah uni uraxanum a, ba mnacacd inchi vra eq uraxacel? Inchqan em amachum vor et takanqner@ im het nuin azgic en. Shat jxainacac u hiastapvac em.
F$*k Robik, Serjik & especially btamit “hairenaser”
Sireli Hye joghovoord,
Hianali loor. Sahmanadrakan Dataran-e Levoni dat-e merjets. Park u pativ nran u masnavorapes Gagik Harutunian-in vor HHSh-akan ellalov hanterts ganknets joghovrtdi goxkin.
Uremn Levoni bantarkootioon-e oreroo harts e.
Tiko axper-s inch asem zombiatsoomis yete doors yelles lav kanes. Yes chasi lman joghovoord-e petk e bandarkvi yes konkret anoonner nshetsee yev krkin ktam et lista-n terroristneri voronk portsetseen Hayastan-e kantel bayts nranc barepakhdapar chhachoghvets :
Levon Ter Petrosian
Nikol Pashinian
Aram Sargsyan
Miyasnik Malxassian
Hacob Hacobian
Sasoon Michaelian
Khachatur Sookyasian
Davit Matevossian
Gagik Jhankirian.
Yete es inne davachannere nerkayatsnoom en Hye joghovoort-e uremn amot hazar amot mez. Yes chem asoom nrank 10 taree petk a nsten togh nsten 5 taree, vorbeszi haskanan inch a nshanakoom 8 hay-i patjar darnal.
Yes Hayastan-i norentir naxagah Serge Sargsyani koxkin em. Verch.
Emigration was at its WORST during Levon’s rule. He is the author of the phrase “This country can only feed a million people”
I think no one will leave just because the legally elected president Serge Sargsyan assumes office. But if it is Levon and his gang who leave I will be very happy. Armenia will do just fine and better without this 9-10 takanks.
aj, hayrenaser, du erevi anaund poxes ev darznes Serja-ser kam Kocharyana-ser. qez inchqan pox en tvel vor nstes es website kextotes qo himar xoselov ev animast artahaytutyunneeov. Aveli lav e skszbum kardal sovores vor karoganas mardavari xosakcutyun varel. cavalin en a, qo nman angragetner erkir en xekavarum ev mi ambogj jogovurd cav e aprum. cavum em vor qo pes hay mardik goyutun unen. azgi xajtarakutyun en du ev qo nmannery
woow. hayrenaser, it seems you can speak English too….it means you know how to read. the sad thing is that you speak english but do not see what is happening in the world and in Armenia. massively putting people into jail? is that the defined democracy of you and others like you? its sad and its a shame that instead of condemning such actions you support it. probably, if one of those 8 dead people were your brother, father, or child, then you may think differently…
Any truly hayrenaser Armenian let alone anyone from my family would even think about supporting the Armenian Hitler, fascist Levon: sa mek.
Erkoos:to the 7 of the 8 people who died., there is a good word in Armenian: Esh Nahatak. The policeman was the true martyr.
3: I am proud of the President of Armenia with all his shortcomings. You will not change that. Even if the president’s name would be Levon Ter Petrosyan, I would still be proud him because of the office he holds (Even though I hate his guts).
Not that I’m impressed a lot, but this is more than I expected for when I found a link on Furl telling that the info is awesome. Thanks.