People are peacefully going home gathered in small groups. An eyewitness said, that Levon Ter-Petrossian had called from his house, where he was sitting under house arrest, and told the protesters to go away, warning, that tanks and military are coming and more serious accidents will happen if people do not obey. Ter-Petrossian has also said, that they will mobilize again in 15 days, after the state of emergency declared today by President Kocharian is lifted, and will continue “demanding justice”.
“Բան չհասկացանք էս ամենից վերջը”(“So we didn’t understand anything in the end”), said a grim looking man in late 40’s.
Minibuses and cars used as barricades were already gone, the trolleybusses and a couple of busses, as well as the overturned and burned police cars could still be seen on both sides of Grigor Lusavorich street, which was the main site of rioting drama today. The riots have stopped for good it seems, leaving Yerevan in a mess… cars burned, shops robbed and we still don’t know how many people have died or are badly injured.
Comments are closed.
This was an unfortunate day in Armenia’s history. No one can deny this.
It is simple we will see in 3-4 days
read the latest press release at:
2008թ մարտի 1-ին՝ վաղ առավոտյան, Երեւանի Ազատության հրապարակի խաղաղ ցուցարարներին բռնությամբ դուրս մղելուց հետո, վերջիններս ինքնաբուխ կերպով հանրահավաքը շարունակեցին Մյասնիկյանի հրապարակում:
Գործող վարչախմբը քաղաքացիների խաղաղ հանրահավաքը դարձյալ բռնությամբ ցրելու գործողությունների դիմեց, որոնց հետեւանքով եղան բազմաթիվ վիրավորներ եւ ըստ որոշ տեղեկությունների նաեւ զոհեր:
Այս իրավիճակից միակ ելքը, ինչպես նշել էինք դեռեւս ս/թ փետրվարի 29-ին արած մեր հայտարարությունում, տնային կալանքի տակ գտնվող ՀՀ Առաջին Նախագահ Լեւոն Տեր Պետրոսյանին անմիջապես ազատ արձակելն ու ժողովրդին անմիջականորեն դիմելու նրան հնարավորություն տալն էր: Մի բան, որ իշխանությունների մերժողական դիրքորոշման պատճառով հնարավոր չեղավ իրականացնել: Չնայած դրան, հանրահավաքում ելույթ ունեցողներն անում էին հնարավոր ամեն ինչ՝ ժողովրդի զայրույթը մեղմելու եւ իրավիճակը վերահսկողության տակ պահելու համար: Սակայն իշխանությունների կողմից սադրանքները շարունակվեցին ներդրված գործակալների միջոցով, ովքեր հանրահավաքի վայրից մեծ հեռավորության վրա գտնվող Մաշտոցի պողոտայում կոտրել են խանութների ցուցափեղկեր, թալանել որոշ խանութներ եւ վնասվել մեքենաներ:
Սույնով մենք հայտարարում ենք, որ այդ սադրիչները որեւէ կապ չունեն հանրահավաքի մասնակիցների հետ, նրանք ներդրվել եւ ուղղորդվել են գործող վարչախմբի կողմից, ուստի կատարվածի ողջ պատասխանատվությունն ընկնում է իշխանությունների վրա: Ժողովրդի նկատմամբ մարտի 1-ին կիրառված այս ահաբեկչությունը եւս մեկ սեւ էջ է Քոչարյան-Սարգսյան զույգի հանցավոր գործունեության մեջ:
Նոր արյունահեղությունից եւ սադրանքներից խուսափելու համար ՀՀ Առաջին նախագահ Լեւոն Տեր Պետրոսյանը դիմել է հանրահավաքի մասնակիցներին՝ հանրահավաքը դադարեցնելու կոչով:
Մենք կշարունակենք քաղաքական պայքարը հանուն ժողովրդավարու¬թյան եւ օրինականության:
Լևոն Տեր-Պետրոսյանի նախընտրական շտաբ
2 մարտի 2008 թ.
Yes I agree Armen
nothing worst is possible than when the army is taken against its own people. the duty of the army and the government is to defend the people.
Serj and Robert used the army to defend their interests, riches and habits that they developed over the past 10 years. They are not much more than criminals.
Steal my blog…
Now that the Armenia media has been censored, the task of spreading information is upon the bloggers. Please feel free to copy any information you find on my blog and use it.
We must not let the events go unnoticed – the dissemination of information is one toll to keep the out of control Armenian state responsible for what they have done. We can’t let this be forgotten.
This is truly a sad day. Levon and the authorities both have blood on their hands. Levon got what he aimed at – sacrificing his zombied followers knowing that the authorities are too awkward and aggressive to clean up such a protest gracefully. How ironic that the zombies go home now, once Levon got his wish, when he could have ended this before it came to this. A sad day indeed.
If you think 350,000 people who woted for Levon (officially, the actual is more) are zombies, then you do not know your nation.
If you mean those 20-30.000 who were on the streets yesterday, that was Yerevan urban and active people, who do not like the REGIME. Yerevan does not like this REGIME, and these 2 guys (Serge and Robert) are not going to last long.
This was Yerevan youth standing up, not zombies. Yerevan does not like old feudal like mentality that this REGIME has. This was clash of classes with REGIME. This was not about Levon. If somebody else were leader the same would happen.
This is urban movement, and it will continue until there is acceptable figure on the post of the president.
Unacceptable to whom? There is a process in democracies called elections. If you lose, you lose. If you contest the results, contest the results. But I don’t think that attacking policemen, looting stores is the way to prove that “My 350,000 is worth more than your 350,000.”
Levon drove the bus to the edge of the cliff, knowing the outcome well. Welcome back indeed, Levon.
You are one of the Robik’s son I think.
Police have attacked the peacefull protestors. Elections were rigged and falsified. This is truth. Do not bull-shit anymore.
People were showing their anger against the regime. The police has beaten up many women, and children.
If you keep defending the police actions and REGIME agenda, I will fuck you personally.
Thanks for the offer, but I think you Hayks should get together and keep it in the family.
I did not defend police actions. Please re-read.
IF elections are rigged and falsified, THEN fight against that. There are ways. Courts, peaceful (unarmed) protests, political will.
Do not condone internecine killing. There is nothing good to be gained from the fighting witnessed last night. And let me repeat in case you did not understand: I am not defending the violence last night, whether you believe it was provoked by the authorities or encouraged by the opposition leaders.
Please ignore the AH. s/he is a moron.
He think beating children, women, men and elderly when they are asleep is a good thing.
ignore him and he will go away. there are many fascist blogs where he can blog.
Hayk jan,
those idiots are out of mind. Do not be demagogs in this critical situation. A group of criminals usurped power in our country and started to kill us to keep it. This is not a time for mental exersizes. Qocharyan is a criminal and should be executed. Why Serjik does not appear? He probably thinks that Qocharyan will take all heat and he will stay out of this “xaitarakutiun”. Do not be fool, you are going to be executed with your twin bloody brother!
Btw, has anyone heard that SS wanted to give up but RQ insisted on this scenario?
If Levon doesn’t manage to come up with something very clever very soon he is done. I’m sure he will though. It’s more serious now, people have died, may they rest in peace.
I think we all agree that we owe these people who died and ourselves as a nation. This nation needs justice and I join these who call for fresh elections. In spite of my personal dislike of his personality, if Levon is who the nation sees as a new leader,let it be.
I have read your prior postings and usually disagreed with you. But now you speak wisely. Let us pay tribute to those who died. Let our people decide their faith. I dislike many politicians but if the nation elects him I will obey. I am opposed to falsely elected SS but will be OK with him if he is truely elected.
This is a class struggle against REGIME. The Regime is “gexaci-gavarakan” by mentality.
If you think thoroughly, most of the nowadays Levon supporters would be happy that another person could lead them. But I do not care, if Levon is capable enough to lead (by the way he is very smart man and politician) our people, then it is the case, then he is the leader.
My opinion is that this was not Levon Serge issue. This was “qaxaqaci” and “gexaci” struggle. “Qaxaqaci” I mean civilians and dignity of our nation, “gexaci” I mean the Regime that exists now in Armenia.
The urbanism (civil society and independent thinkers) in Armenia is very strong, just the authorities do not let them to be free. So, the civilain Armenian people protested against “gexaci-gavarakan” regime of Serge, Robik and many more (dodi gago, Lfik Samo and etc).
The proud nation does not want the rule of uneducated gexaci elite.
This is all about the events that happened in Armenia.
Remember the Regime cannot suppress the people who want to be free and protect there dignity, and freedom of life.
that’s a very intersting theory. I agree with you.
Election fraud, I doth very much that Levon would get more then 25%. It’s proven that any population in a Country 25 % is retarded and would vote for anybody. Both I doth that Serz got over 50 %, but he got the most votes , people voted for him because he was a lesser of two Evil and the general voter apathy.
Baghdasaryan was smart and cunning he got a deal with the government, he truly is a sneaky person. He realized that the demonstration was not going to work because the opposition in the country was not united in the goal. You can’t compare this to the situation in 1996. People are dissatisfied whit the situation in Armenian but not like when they wear in 1996 and the opposition was united.
Levons entry in Armenian politics is going to spice things off. Nobody believed that he could gather such hardcore supporters! The Government if it wants to remain, most really tackle the social issues in Armenia.
IN all it is sad that we don’t have ONE credible politician, that the people could unite under , NOT ONE ……PEOPLE NOT ONE !
I am covering stories related,although not first handed like yours.
Facsism is spreading across the planet again, and the true originators are the same. Now they are called globalists.
The looting that occurred in Yerevan was targeted at storefronts known to be owned by Serj and Robert through shadow registrations. The huge chasm between the corrupt rich and subsistence-level average Armenian citizens inflamed the unrest, and the crooked election has brought it to explosion. But it’s sad to see so many comments here from Armenians who are saying “stop it and get on with life under Serj.” They are the sheep, the sleeping ones who don’t want to wake up because that would risk their losing drams and connections. Watch Serj on television talking to some poor village woman about her pension increasing 3-4 thousand drams. An intelligent person would have asked HIM about the millions he pockets in funds stolen from government and foreign aid money. At least the world has gotten a glimpse about the corruption and unrest in Armenia. Serj will have to get low on his knees to kiss the Russians arses that he owes fealty to. Last week Zvartnots airport was filled with Russian thugs going home after the election day. They want Serj and his cronies to continue looting Hayastan, the failed state.
Is that’s all you are capable of? Naming people who do not support Levon as Robik’s son, traitor or even Turks? Mostly driven by Levon’s propaganda people started to differentiate between ally, who wants Levon’s kingdom to come, and aliens who opposes to that. You are destroying the nation and most bright example of that, you have stopped to recognize Karabach people as Armenians. Who is next to be refused? Lori, Shirak?
I think it is not as simple as how you phrase it. While the authorities have a portion of the blame, LTP is the primary orchestrator of this fiasco.
Criminals leading the disenfranchised lashing out against society. Lambs led to the slaughter while Levon is warm in his house (reminds me of when no light/no heat Levon livin it up).
A sad day for all Armenians. Let’s hope that sober minds start to assess the situation and move forward in a decent way.
Looting was unacceptable, regardless of who owned the stores.
I’m astonished at the short-sightedness and sheep-likeness of the pro-LTP segment of the Armenian populace. How can they allowed themselves to be misled by a discredited, misanthropic politician who had himself exhibited all signs of utterly authoritarian rule, imposition of misery, desolation, and impoverishment on the people whilst attaining self-enrichment for himself? Was it not Ter-Petrossian who introduced falsification and vote-rigging back in 1996 when the obvious winner was Vazgen Manoukian?
We, as a nation, need to understand that the “second coming” of this freemasonic puppet has been ordered by those secret societies, supra-national, supra-governmental internationalist power elites, who direct the events on the world arena, including national elections, for the sake of attaining their sick goal of one world government. It is not a conspiracy theory: it is a fact that becomes more and more obvious in our world order.
I believe LTP was ordered back to Armenia’s political life for two main reasons.
One was to galvanize Armenian electorate which showed strong signs of apathy and disgruntlement during the preceding constitutional referendum. Hence, his return would stir up the electorate en masse so that the candidate pre-selected by these supra-national elites, could have falsified the outcome of the election with ease. Clearly, it is much harder to rig the elections under the conditions of nearly total civil disobedience. Their pre-selected candidate, make no mistake, is Serj Sarkissian.
Second reason is that in order to conceal the fact that Serj is their pre-selected candidate, these forces needed to set up a mirage of a “political struggle,” but in such a manner that the second contender, too, be their own choice. This method is as old as the world: to bring two seemingly contending candidates to the fore both of whom are subservient to the same string-pullers behind their backs.
The Armenians would have shown cleverness and ingenuity had they totally neglected and boycotted these elections, showing once again that they understand that both Levik and Serjik are not public-spirited politicians. Unfortunately, one cannot expect the same level of wisdom and shrewdness from intelligent, well-educated segments of the populace and the narrow-minded commoners.
Rhyne, eye witnesses claim that the looters were from the KGB and were doing it for the Haylur cameras. having seen their methods, I tend to believe that it might have been them.
One of the Haylur apparatchiks is already out there in the blogosphere talking about it.
No need to spread hearsay. There is loads of evidence from all sides that the looters were demonstrators. If you want to defend them as if they were making their last stand against criminal regimes, fine, but do not continue to spread disinformation. I guess you will next argue that the injured policemen shot themselves.
Levon wound up the population to revolt. For weeks now, he has been preparing for this culmination. The elections for him were a mere pretext. That the authorities responded harshly can be argued, and I agree that things may have been carried out with more caution, However, do not blame the KGB or aliens or some other irrational answer.
The seeds were planted by Levon who nurtured their growth. Now they bare fruit. It is a sad day for most, though I guess Levon achieved what he has been planning for.
Unfortunately Levon made a big mistake and has caused us to get divided between ourselves. We being divided is as unfortunate as yesterday’s events. Also Levon was of the two sides who caused this unfortunate day. He is better reading his books than being in political arena. Such person is dangerous to be even in political arena needless to say becoming the president.
The other day I was watching YouTube and listening to his speech and there he said “srank mezantsits chen. srank otar en”. Amota ay mart me boor azgenk es khoskerov batsi hayerin irar ktsel@, bajanel@ incha dzerk galoo chem haskanoom. Ay himmar hay@, haya… hima togh roosastani hay lini, togh amerikayi hay lini, togh gharabaghi hay lini… vaghn el kasi en amerikayee haya otara, en yesim inch…. I presonally believe that Levon loves his country and tries to do his best, but unfortunately he’s not a good political player. Otherwise he should have calculated and foreseen the possible scenarios and government’s moves before acting. And it seems he doesn’t want to let go out if it either. Please some of his supporters explain to him (for the sake of the country and all armenians around the world) even if he wants to help, he is unable to, and sometimes “doing nothing” is the best thing done. Sometimes if one feels he can’t fit in or can’t win the situation it’s better accepting the defeat and stay calm. Assuming Levon was right, yesterday he still had the chance to choose between the worse and the worst. Unfortunately he kept making mistakes. Anglerens nerek lav chi.
What are you debating? WHo were the looters? Demonstrators or not? Does it matter?
LTP or Robik? This is not the question.
Someone even says that it is proven that 25% of any nation are retarded (in this case he ment Levon supproters).
FUCK YOU ALL stupid asshole
This is my fight, against uneducated gexaci Regime. Those who support this regime, they are tourists sitting outside of Armenia, and they like stability. They do not care much about Armenia’s future. The other part of supporters have some kind of stake in this regime.
I am 100% sure that Robik is going to be murdered, if not in near future, but may be sometime later. The same will happen with Serge. WE WILL SEE.
The Armenian people will not tolerate this. This has never happened to us in our lifetime. 8 inoccent people died for what? For Serge and Robik, or Levon?
The elections were rigged. This is fact, and nobody can argue. Any other argument is useless. We need new elections.
> They do not care much about Armenia’s future
Hayk, believe me the very fact that people read and express their opinions from all over the world is the sign that they *care* for Armenia. We all do care for Armenia. All the comments show that we *all* care *deeply*. I’ve lived with and met Armenians from all over the world personally and I *assure* you they all care about Armenia. Haven’t seen a single person who doesn’t care at all. If you talk a little bit you can dig up that emotion even if some conservative people might try to hide it, try to pretend that they are indifferent. So the first thing we could and we should focus our attentions to is what we have in common. We *all* want Armenia to be a prosperous country. Though naturally we have different solutions and approaches. I wish success to whoever is doing the right thing for the country (let it be Levon or Robert). And Hayk, I lived in Armenia for 6 consecutive years and when I first went there I was a tourist. While there I used to earn very small amount of money being in tourism industry (even much less than local colleges) so being in that position too I know that we need our tourists too, and they care too. Otherwise there are other places they could go and spend their money.
This is very sad it started whit a very galvanizing protest in front of the Opera ….it ended whit bloodbath ………….
I hope that people came down ….let the 20 days go and then have a independent inquiry in to the election fraud by the international community , UN ?
Then the high Corte in Armenia should make a ruling , and then a grassroots campaign for law and order in Armenia . Civil disobedient being one off then , I ask you …………Why haven’t the Oligarch CAFÉ and supermarket been burnt down before, they should have long long time ago ….? The person stealing should know that easy comes and easy goes ……. That’s the criminal motto …………..
Hi all,
These last few days have been the saddest and most dangerous days in our lifetime for Armenia. There is a lot of anger in these posts and rightfully so – people lost their lives and it is not clear for what. Everyone here cares for our country and the ONLY way we can make our country better is if we do not fight against each other!! We have so much potential for prosperity and growth, the only thing we need to do is to focus on creating and supporting a stabile government.
I see some references to “geghatsi-gavarnak”s who don’t know what they are doing, and a lot of faith in the city’s urbanism and civil society. Being born right in the center of Yerevan and having lived most of my life there, I couldn’t agree more. One thing though – don’t call for so much hate and especially don’t call for violence – that is not civil! I do understand the anger, but calling for a murder is not constructive and no matter how right you are, it is not going to help strengthen our country. And, strengthening and building it is what we all should be focused on.
We need to get united in times like this and we need to find more creative ways to get our voices heard. Please, I ask you all, do anything in your power to stop this conflict. As much as I don’t like the current authorities, I do think there still are civil ways of working together towards building a more balanced and stabile government.
Peace to all of us!
We stayed in Armenia for four days last month, and it was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. I fell in love with it, that even after weeks of leaving the country, I still stare at my pictures and wish I stayed longer.
It is unfortunate that Armenian’s will have to go through this phase in their history. Fighting for what you believe in is something I agree on. But burning cars, theft and all that?
I only hope for Armenia to heal soon.
I just found this blog. I notice that there is not a lot of actual information coming out of Yerevan. I too wonder if You Tube has been blocked. I saw a some video footage that is no longer accessible.
Ryne and Hayalour: It was not KGB. Read below:
I just received a phone call from Yerevan, from a reliable source. This person is a surgeon who was in Karabagh during the fighting and knows the various fedayeen from around Armenia and Karabagh. This person states that on Mashtots street, by the Pag Shuga, a group of soldiers from the Shushi battalion opened fire on the crowd. There was no warning for anyone to disperse. The soldiers simply aimed into the crowd and began to fire. At this time, the crowd was not doing anything. The eyewitness then saw the same soldiers shoot out shop windows. They also set fire to the ambulance this person was using to transport a wounded civilian. Two people were shot next to the eyewitness. Both died. The eyewitness has been operating on wounded since yesterday. All who were shot were shot by Karabagh soldiers. There was no rioting and this is not like LA. It’s like, well, a dictator who is going to remind people that he will keep power at all costs.
I know Robert and Serge. I knew fedayeen. Serge and Robert are not of that class.
Artsagh girl, I don’t understand this, didn’t everything start at grigor lusavorich and then the crowd moved to pag shuka.. there were already clashes before reaching Mashtots Ave… I don’t support any of these power-obsessed Nazis! I wish we could reach the justice and free the people from Serzh and Levon!! We need a new potentially capable and people-caring leader (unbelievable that there is none out of the 2 million people), not the ones thinking about their requital or obssessed with chair-grabbing and surrounded by a clique of gold-chained and thik neck, stupid and abmoral sacks of money, who step over humans for the sake of their personal interests and family welfare.. sorry for the victims – all vicitms!
There is no word; definitely kocharian and sarkisian are criminals
I don’t want put their names on CAPS, because there are not deserve.
Remember October -27, they are behind this crime.
This is nothing to do with Levon Ter Petrosian. People want those criminals out and they have to be executed like they did in Romania with Chausevsky.
Levon Ter Petrossiani tiroch mer@.
Thanks Ryan for the compliment 🙂
Archook: – don’t call for so much hate and especially don’t call for violence –
Shat hamadzayn em!
I am very amused by everyone talking about a ‘leader’ for Armenia. First of all: all candidates are bad for any improvement of Armenia in their own way. Second of all: one leader in Armenia will never make a big difference in a country, sufficating in bribes and friendships of the rich.
I hope to live and see Armenia as an independant, open country, instead of the landlocked mess it is now, without true freedom, without any sign of an economy, and only bad guys with money as toys in it, fighting over the power of a poor country, too weak to stand on its own.
Wake up Armenia! It’s 2008! The world is turning but you’re almost about to miss out on the next turn.
I must say, that I can not agree with you in 100%, but it’s just my opinion, which indeed could be very wrong.
p.s. You have an awesome template for your blog. Where did you find it?