Armenians don’t get enough love, or if they do, they fail to see it, according to Bloomberg.
In 2006 and 2007, Gallup went to 136 countries and asked people, “Did you experience love for a lot of the day yesterday?” And while the global average is 70%, only 29% of Armenians responded “yes” to the question. Thus Armenia is on the last place among 136 countries of the world. Embarrassing!
We are in an interesting company, along with Uzbekistan and Mongolia, which are placed 135th and 134th respectively.
I wouldn’t be an Armenian if I didn’t compare us to Georgians and Azerbaijanis. There must be something in the air or soil… Georgian’s aren’t faring well either, they are on the 132nd place. And Azerbaijanis, with all that oil wealth and great caviar are only 126th.
Clearly, money is not part of the love formula as far as this particular survey is concerned. You see, Filipinos are the first in the ‘love ranking’ having scored 93% ‘yes’ answers, followed by Rwanda (92%) and Puerto Rico (90%).
Make sure to click this link to see how your country is doing in the ‘love ranking’.
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True — despite widespread poverty and corruption (worse than in Armenia in many ways), Filipinos are an extremely happy bunch, culturally speaking. Always smiling, always cheerful, always hopeful…a strong contrast to what we see in Armenia. Perhaps more than love, the tropical climate has something to do with it…? =)
You mean putting on less clothing makes people more open to love? :)))
I just had Vahe Berberian’s satirical look at the World Happiness Scale where Armenians ranked last in mind 😛 Did anyone come to ask you guys? Cuz no one asked me! (I know all about sample sizes, by the way ;)) But I’m curious as to what cohort was used, what cultural factors played in, what language barriers existed, etc 😛 There are many confounding factors that come into play and I’m not so certain those conducting the studies differentiate their models in order to adapt to the cultures and reduce factors that might hinder, rather than help, their research