Russia has been shuffling Armenia and Azerbaijan as a pack of old cards for its interests. It took hundreds of lost lives until at least some people in Armenia started to understand this. Today this understanding took concrete shape and form as hundreds of people rallied in Yerevan against Russian sale of arms to Azerbaijan as well as Russia’s treacherous stance towards Armenia.
While most of the frustration was directed at the Russian Embassy in Yerevan, with a couple of eggs thrown in its general direction, protesters also chanted “Shame” in front of the Government building and the Foreign Ministry, blaming the Government for failure to make Russia fulfill its obligations as Armenia’s security partner at the CSTO and economic partner at the EEU.
Meanwhile, most Armenians I speak to these days say our nation is once again left alone with its enemies just like 100 years ago, when Russian troops withdrew from Western Armenia and the Ottoman Empire committed a cold-blooded Genocide, killing and marching 1,5 million Armenians to their peril.
It is April again…
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The security agreement is to protect Armenia, not Armenian occupation of neighboring country.
Get your facts right:
1/ Nobody has occupied anything – Karabakh Armenians have exercised their right for self-determination, which is an equally, if not more important right as compared to the right of territorial integrity.
2/ Azerbaijan has been shooting not only at the civilian population in Karabakh, but also the civilian settlements and villages in Northern Armenian region of Tavush, some 200 kilometers away from the line of contact.
3/ Despite these apparently aggressive steps of Azerbaijan against Armenia, which can possibly be classified as war crimes and crimes against humanity, Russia and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) haven’t done anything to protect their ally, even though the CSTO charter says that an attack on any of its allies is an attack on all of them.
Great Post.