A Facebook user, who recently came to the center of public attention for posting misinformation under the pseudonym Դիանա Հարությունյան …
Armenian Traffic Police have wearable cameras and they're not afraid to use them
Armenian Traffic Police have been required to wear special surveillance cameras since June 2016. The cameras were introduced as part …
Cardboard-Tank Activist Faces Jail Term for Running into National Security Service's Gate
https://www.facebook.com/rferl/videos/10154103714129575/?permPage=1 Activist Artak Gevogryan, a member of the “Counterstrike” art-group, faces 2 years in jail on hooliganism charges for running …
Remember. March 1 Will Never Be The First Day of Spring Again
PS: Where are the authorities, who are directly responsible for the 10 deaths of March 1? Why don’t they show …
Village Mayor Accused of Raping 14 Year-Old Student
[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=hartashen,+syunik&aq=&sll=40.183333,44.516667&sspn=0.234488,0.441513&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Hartashen,+Syunik,+Armenia&t=h&ll=39.48576,46.381531&spn=0.019873,0.043001&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=500&h=300] Students at a school in Hartashen village of Syunik region claim, that the village mayor has raped a …
Guest Post: Addressing the Denial
Most news reports and commentary on the adoption by the French Senate of the Bill criminalizing the denial of the …
The Devil's Advocate
An Armenian lawyer has filed a suit against “Hraparak” daily newspaper for not moderating readers’ comments on the paper’s online …
"7 trial" pulled apart, "political" context stripped off
The controversial trial of ex-president Levon Ter-Petrosian’s 7 prominent supporters de-facto ended today – separated into isolated cases by the ruling of …
Jhangiryan, former deputy prosecutor-general sentenced to 3 years
“In a highly controversial but anticipated ruling, a Yerevan court on Monday sentenced Gagik Jahangirian, a former deputy prosecutor-general linked …
A1plus wins in European Court. Meltex Ltd and Mesrop Movsesyan v. Armenia
I just heard the best news for the Freedom of Speech in Armenia in the course of the past 7 …